Category Archives: News

Fairwater Cup @ St George’s Hill Golf Club 12 May 2013

Battle for the Fairwater Cup will take place on the 12 May 2013 handicap stableford format.  Plan for the day will be to meet at the club at around 12:00pm, we will hold the OTGS AGM at 12:30pm, a full Sunday lunch will follow thereafter with an expectation to be on the tee at around 2:30 – 3:00pm (hopefully sooner if we can).  The Fairwater Cup (holder Greg Whalley) will be presented in the evening with other prizes.  The overall cost of the day is expected to be around £60.

Halford Hewitt 2013

Following on from the Brent Knoll scratch warm up weekend we all got together for the Halford Hewitt competition between 10th and 14th April (a few of the team arrived on the Tuesday 9th for additional practice).  Unlike the Brent Knoll weekend the temperature was significantly warmer and rain was expected to be minimal.  No excuses!

This year’s team consisted of Richard Willacy (C), Iain Westwater, Gary Hector, Greg Whalley, Pete Whalley, Mark Jenkins, David Morgan, Martin Knight, Matthew Pyke and Dave Higginson.

This year we were drawn against Trent in the first round whom we believed, and the statistics suggested, were a possible win which would have helped our ranking no end.  However, despite our confidence and “good feeling” we couldn’t produce the goods on the day.  Unfortunately there is something to be said about having the winning feeling, attitude and confidence, however because OT golfers are determined and not quitters we will be back stronger again next year.  Come on young recent OT golf leavers make yourself known.

First Round Main competition against Trent at Deal Lost 4-1

1st Pair MJ/DH Lost 1 down
2nd Pair IW/MP Lost 3-2
3rd Pair GH/GW Won 5-3
4th Pair RW/PW Lost 2-1
5th Pair DM/MN Lost 2-1

First Round Plate competition against Brighton at Princes Lost 2 1/2 – 1/2

1st Pair GH/GW Lost 2-1
2nd Pair IW/MN Lost 3-2
3rd Pair RW/PW Halved

Thanks to all our loyal supporters who make the journey down to Deal to support and to Terry D for joining the team Thursday night.  Despite the result we all had a fantastic time with the usual banter, laughs and generally good company.  I can’t wait until next year!

Brent Knoll Bowl 2013

This year was freezing!!!  This did not help our cause to travel beyond the first round in both the main competition and the plate.  We welcomed Callum to the team and hope to see him in the scratch team for the years to come. The team consisted of,

Richard Willacy (C)
Iain Westwater
Gary Hector
Greg Whalley
Mark Jenkins
Callum Taylor

Main Competition First Round against Blundells Lost 2-1
1st Pair  IW/RW lost 2-1
2nd Pair  GH/GW Lost 3-2
3rd Pair  MJ/CT Won 1up

Terrific battle by Callum and Mark who were 2 down with 4 to play.

Plate Competition First Round against Epsom Lost 2-1
1st Pair IW/RW Won 1up
2nd Pair GW/GH Lost 1down
3rd Pair MJ/CT Lost 5-4

Despite the result and weather, as always the weekend was very enjoyable and good to catch up with team mates again.  Better luck next year.

Pete Whalley is Minehead Club Champion

I have some great news, Peter Whalley has just won the 2011 Minehead & West Somerset GC Club Championship. Two fine rounds of 74, 72 to finish with a +2 total was enough to give Pete a 3 shot winning margin. It is great effort for Pete to produce his best golf of the season at the biggest event , Pete started the event on a 6 handicap so to shoot 10 under his handicap in 2 rounds shows how well he played, and also to beat some very good golfers at Minehead.

The picture emailed across by Pete shows his great sense of humour which we are so pleased to have in the Scratch Team and no doubt a future Scratch Captain in the years to come! Pete commented that he used his experience of pressure at the Hewitt to compose himself down the stretch at Minehead 🙂

A great time to achieve this what with more good players becoming available for the Brent Knoll Bowl and Hewitt teams this cements Pete’s place in the team as we don’t have any other club champions past or present (well not until James Holl starts playing!)



Wes steps down as President

Wes Wyatt the OT Golf President stepped down on Saturday at the AGM. We would like to thank him for his efforts over the recent years. His support at the Hewitt didn’t go unnoticed and we would like to thank him for that as well as many other positive things he has done while President.

Terry Davidge has been elected as President with immediate effect and Richard Willacy has taken over Terry’s previous role as Society Captain.


School WIN West of England Public Schools Golf Championships

You may remember that a few years ago some OTGS members decided to support golf at TS, financially, with a long term view of improving the flow of golfers to our Society. I am very pleased to be able to  report to you that this is already beginning to have a serious effect.

Three years ago the School was able to accept, for the first time, a place in the West of England Public Schools Golf Championships (Marlborough dropped out). We were knocked out in the first round to the eventual winners. But two years ago we beat Cheltenham in the final and this year we beat Sherborne (5-0) in the final. A brilliant achievement and if you care to read on I will explain more.

This year we beat Monmouth 4-1 in the first round and met Canford, the favourites, in the second. This was won 31/2 – 11/2but this tells only half the story. Match 1 was all square after 18 and was won on the 19th. Match 2 lost. Match 3 was one down on the 18th tee and won on the 19th. Match 5 won 4&3 so match 4 which was one down on the 18th tee was halved with no need to proceed further. This shows a pretty resolute attitude and the final against Sherborne seems to have been plain sailing. I am told that our team had handicaps of 3,7,8,12 and 19, the last winning all his matches!

Richard Jowett